I've been building the SideProject-community since march 2024, and here are some thoughts that have developed in that time.
Is the biggest problem we have in this world that startups dont get enough help? Or that not enough startups are being created? Feels like everyone solves the first, while we focus on the last
We remove the bar from starting a startup from "quit your job", to "start this evening, and see how it goes"
People in jobs are “taken” until 4 pm. After that, they are with us. Or Netflix. How much powerful energy is not being used?
People need to try working in small teams with likeminded people. once theyve tried that and realize how crazy meaningful it is to work on your own stuff, they will never go back.
It feels like there is an indiehacking community which is by some definitions “solo” people, then the incubator environment where people go fulltime is thriving as well. But there is a gap. People doing things on the side. And matching with other people.
Everything starts on the side? Its on the side either for five minutes with the huge ideas where conviction already is present, or its on the side as a hobby or a small business for the rest of your life. Yet no one celebrates the sidegigs.
Founders need a couple of reps before they succeed. Why dont we give them the reps in a low bar environment, like a sideproject community? Its a benefit to society if 100 19-year olds fail on their sideprojects with us. Maybe we give 10 founders the reps they need to succeed in an incubator later when they are 22… a rep they would have missed if it wasnt for us, because the rep at 22 years old would be one of the failures without us.