Project SideProject Project Events

Coming events

Coming events

Past events

Location: Youngstorget Oslo

SideProject first Oslo meetup 26th of august kl 19:00

Mingle and Get Inspired

Join us for interactive exercises, startup side project insights, and a whole lot of fun! Just sign up to the community to get an auto invite for the event

Past events

Past events

Past events

CocktailParty even in 25th of June
CocktailParty even in 25th of June

Project SideProject CocktailParty

Tuesday 25th of June, 20:00-22:00 PM

Tuesday 25th of June, 20:00-22:00 PM

Location: Apparat, Bergen

Mingle and Get Inspired

Join us for interactive exercises, startup side project insights, and a whole lot of fun!

See event

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