
Why the three "project"-words in the title? I had two at first but instantly realized three would only make it better. Considering the fourth.

There are thousands of people all around us that are either doing cool side projects, or could be interested if the stars would align correctly. But they are not being connected to each other. They have no way of finding likeminded people. And cool potential side projects are not being done. I won't take it any longer.

What are side projects? I don't know, whatever you do on the side! I made a digital course for example. Im trying to sell it online. That was hard! I learned so much. Other developers create small games just for the fun of it. Others knit, and sell the knitwear. Awesome!

So if you love sparring with people about business/product ideas, or if you're always working on a side project alone or with friends, this if for you. Or, if you're INTERESTED in this stuff, know nothing (but have passion), and want to be inspired, then join us!

We are creators. And right now might not be the right time to do a side project. But now IS the right time to join the community. Throughout life we get new jobs, have babies, get into paddleball, have drama happen, do your own startup or have normal work consume 100% of your energy. In these periods our side projects will slumber. Don't fight it. Don't feel bad. This is part of the game. We love it.

But for creators there will come slices of life where SideProjects are possible to do. And then you need to be ready with your community of sideprojecteers. The inspiration from others can make the slices come more often, and the friends in here can be the team you need to fulfill the project.

Our magical SideProjects are like the blue rabbits in Zelda: wary, vulnerable, but approachable and will always lead us to promising places.

The benefits are crazy, and can be described in two ways: You will get rich if you do a side project with someone. Or you will get a crazy story, business experience, and learn a lot that that will benefit your normal job etc.

I'm Karsten Duus Wetteland and I love div projects.

So how do we do this? Well we just create some meetups so that people can be inspired! Where other SideProject GrandMasters share about their successful or failed side projects! How they made millions or lost some!

So sign up to receive invitations for physical/digital meetups, and other nice info! 

While registering you can also choose to show your info in the internal SideProject-overview, so that other people with interesting side projects or ideas can find you and invite you to talk about/contribute on different side projects. You can set your status to everything from "too busy now" to "ill do a full startup on this"

Maybe your next side income comes from here? Go create an online mini-game together! Stop making your nerdy thing alone, make it with someone else! Get inspired by a crazy person making something you never thought of. Go create digital products people will pay for!

Check out the this teaser doc here (when you sign up you will get access to the full doc):

A taste of our People and Ideas (you will get a link to the full doc if you register)

© Project SideProject Project. 2024